segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013

Uma Diferença Radical !!!

"Quem é que vence o mundo? Somente aquele que crê que Jesus é o Filho de Deus." (1 João 5:5)

O livro de Atos nos conta a história de algumas pessoas que, pelo poder do Espírito Santo, causaram um grande impacto no mundo. Eram pessoas comuns, as quais Deus capacitou para fazerem coisas incríveis. Era o início de um movimento que perdura até hoje.

No Dia de Pentecostes, cerca de 120 cristãos estavam reunidos quando o Espírito Santo pairou sobre eles. Em qualquer lugar que eles fossem, eram ridicularizados, perseguidos e até agredidos pela fé que tinham. Alguns foram inclusive mortos. 30 anos a partir de então, o grupo original de 120 pessoas, somado às que haviam sido convertidas por elas, tornou-se conhecido por transformar completamente o mundo ao seu redor. Quando vemos sua pregação completamente destemida, suas orações intensas e constantes e sua enorme vontade de obedecer, esses Cristãos nos parecem excepcionais. Na verdade, eles não eram excepcionais. Nós é que estamos aquém do que deveríamos. Muitos de nós têm vivido uma versão light da vida cristã. O que vemos no livro de Atos, é o Cristianismo do Novo Testamento, como ele deve ser ainda hoje.

- Será que os eventos de Atos poderiam acontecer novamente? Será que poderíamos ver de novo outra grande movimentação do Espírito Santo? A resposta é: sim, poderíamos. Mas isso começa com você, comigo, com todos nós. Deixe-me perguntar-lhe uma coisa:
-Como seria se todos na igreja (que é o conjunto de cristãos) vivessem como você vive? O quanto conheceriam da Bíblia? Que tipo de vida de oração teriam? Quantas pessoas estariam ouvindo o Evangelho? Como seria essa igreja de Jesus Cristo?
A igreja é feita de pessoas como nós. E somente nós podemos fazer uma diferença radical.

domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

Se Não Houver Amanhã?

E Se Não Houver Amanhã? E o tempo, grávido de sonhos, me (nos) aguarda na estação

Por Deus, por sua imensurável graça, o tempo abriga seus segredos que procuramos desvendar a medida que vivemos. Ele nos envolve em dias, meses, anos e percorrendo caminhos tantos faz de nós quem somos. O tempo, não nos chama pelo nome, às vezes parece um ilustre desconhecido que nos surpreende com bons e maus momentos , com chegadas que desejaríamos ser eternas de tanta felicidade que nos traz. Mas o tempo e o hoje, é e daqui a pouco deixou de existir ser sem nos dá certeza do que há de vir.

”Que lei rege as horas amenas da primavera, que permite que a terra se encha de flores e faz com que no fim do ano, o fecundo Outono amadureça as frutas. ( Boécio, Consolação. Pg 6)

"Quem sabe amanhã"; dizemos na certeza de que o amanhã não falha. Fazemos planos, marcamos encontros, preenchemos nossas agendas e observando o calendário, contemplamos o futuro como se estivéssemos em uma estação de trem, com malas prontas para embarque. Nós e o tempo, um destino e um futuro que nos reserva o que sequer pensamos, no que diz o sábio pregador do livro de Eclesiastes:

“No dia da prosperidade goza do bem, mas no dia da adversidade considera: porque também Deus fez a este em oposição àquele, para que o homem nada descubra do que há de vir depois dele" Ec 8:14

E o amanhã? Gostamos de certezas, de palavras de vitória, de terra firme, nos movemos em interrogações tantas quando por desconhecer a causa do que vivemos só nos resta interrogar. E aguardamos a restauração, no amanhã que a nenhum de nós pertence. O que nos pertence é a escolha de viver feliz e confiante, apesar de tudo, do bem ou do mal, sabendo que existe um Deus que guarda e acompanha seus filhos com Seu olhar e no Seu tempo, Ele tudo revelará e transformará. Foi isso que Ele falou a Josué, quando o conduziu em missão para a terra prometida:

“ Não te deixarei, nem te abandonarei” Js 1:5

Confia em Deus, Senhor do amanhã e haja o que houver, acreditemos que ainda que não haja amanhã, Ele nos abrigará em Seu colo pelos dias que dedicamos a Ele, pela fé que tivemos em vida de vislumbrar o invisível que o céu esconde e que se revela em Cristo Jesus. Se hoje sofremos ou desconhecemos a causa do que vivemos, apenas confiemos, é tudo o que resta de mais seguro, mesmo que a vida e os sonhos escoem pelas nossas mãos, confiemos no Deus do amanhã, porque Ele tem o poder de transformar a vida. 

As certezas, terras firme e a vitória que tanto almejamos nos aguardam em alguma chegada, ou partida que somente Deus conhece, confiemos e não desesperemos na viagem.

O profeta Miqueias viveu tempos difíceis e em meio a toda tribulação, falou:
“Eu porém, esperarei no Senhor. Esperei no Deus da minha salvação; o meu Deus me ouvirá” Mq 7:7

E esperar nesse verso corresponde a “Yaschad”, “permanecer confiante, ser paciente”

O Amanhã, o que será? Apóstolo Tiago refletiu sobre o amanhã, convidando-nos a entregar nossas dúvidas a Deus:
“Vós não sabeis o que sucederá amanhã. Que é a vossa vida? Sois, apenas como a neblina que aparece por instantes e logo se dissipa. Em vez disso, devíeis dizer: Se o Senhor quiser, não só viveremos, como também faremos isso ou aquilo” Tg 4: 14:15.

Na alegria: confiemos no Senhor. Na tristeza: confiemos. Ele é o que nos dá certeza de segurança, mesmo quando tudo parece desabar. Se Deus nos foi fiel quando andávamos nos montes desfrutando de “campos repletos de frutos e flores” também nos há de ser fiel mesmo quando andamos nos vales, onde a escuridão nos impede de conhecer os porquês.

Deus nos abençoe

Jeremias 17.5

'Maldito o Homem Que Confia no Homem?' Será?

Assim diz o SENHOR: Maldito o homem que confia no homem, e faz da carne o seu braço, e aparta o seu coração do SENHOR! Jeremias 17.5

Introdução: Muitas pessoas leem só a parte “a” do texto biblico, e distorce o que o profeta Jeremias diz, dando sua própria interpretação; já ouvi várias pessoas usarem essa primeira parte do versículo para pautar a traição, a falsidade de alguém para com elas. Enchem a boca para dizer “Não devemos confiar nas pessoas”. Interpretação equivocada. Basta continuar leitura que o sentido da mesma nos direciona para pessoas que confiam no homem ao ponto de colocar a sua esperança e fé nele, e ao ponto de rejeitar a Deus, colocando o homem no lugar Dele. É a esse tipo de confiança que a Bíblia se refere nesse contexto.

Depois do “faça que eu te ajudarei” e “a voz do povo é a voz de Deus”, uma das frases mais faladas no meio cristão (infelizmente) é... “Maldito o homem que confia no outro homem”. Diferente das duas primeiras que não passam de um ditado popular, a frase “maldito o homem que confia no outro homem” é bíblica e encontra-se em Jeremias 17:5a.

Se a frase é bíblica então qual seria o problema que circunda esta famosa frase?

Certamente o problema não é a frase em si, pois, ela não se trata de um jargão e nem um ditado popular, é um versículo bíblico da palavra de Deus, viva e real. O que acontece é que este versículo dever ser contextualizado em seu contexto, visto como um todo e não em partes, “Texto Sem Contexto é Pretexto Para Mentiras” (Linartt Vieira)

Tal interpretação errônea é perigosa, pois descontextualiza e muda o sentido real da palavra.

É compreensivel que os seres humanos tenham uma tendência natural de colocar suas esperanças em outros seres humano, essa confiança é normal (quando confiamos na honestidade das pessoas, na discrição de um amigo, no conselho de um familiar, na esposa…) é totalmente saudável. Porém Deus reprova-nos quando trocamos a nossa confiança e fé Nele, pela confiança em nós mesmos e em outros homens. É o pecado do orgulho, da altivez, da auto-suficiência, da descrença em Deus. “e faz da carne o seu braço, e aparta o seu coração do SENHOR”! A segunda parte nos dá a interpretação verdadeira.

No mesmo capítulo de Jeremias 17 está escrito “Bendito o homem que confia no SENHOR, e cuja confiança é o SENHOR.” Esse é o tipo de atitude que o Senhor deseja dos seus filhos CONFIANÇA plena Nele, certo de que Deus tem o melhor para nós. Sua vontade é perfeita, boa e agradável. Se voltarmos nossos olhos para Jesus perceberemos que Ele amou as pessoas, especialmente seus discípulos. O Sr. tinha um grande relacionamento com eles, viajava e comia com eles, bem como os ensinava. Mas Ele não colocava sua confiança neles, porque conhecia a natureza humana. Isso não significa que Ele não confiava em seu relacionamento com eles; mas simplesmente Ele não se abria a eles da mesma forma que Ele confiava e se abria a seu Pai celestial. É assim que nós devemos ser. Muitas vezes as pessoas formam relacionamentos íntimos e dependem demais dos outros, em vez de buscar a Deus. Mas nós não precisa fazer isso. Mesmo que tenhamos os melhores relacionamentos, as pessoas nos desapontarão porque as pessoas não são perfeitas. É certo amar e respeitar os outros, mas lembre-se sempre de que o único que nunca falhará conosco é Deus.

Mateus 6-33

As Flores Murchas no Caminho de Jesus

A terra tem um ciclo natural de morte e vida e se em um momento ela nega frutos e flores, em outro nos concede em abundância. Assim também é a vida. Algumas vezes, receberemos dela flores lindas, também espinhosas, murchas e mortas. Mas preste atenção em algo que aprendi com Jesus: “ Flores murchas têm seu valor”. Uma criança certa vez presenteou sua mãe com uma dessas flores sem vida e a mãe espantada perguntou: filha, não tinha algo mais bonito e inteiro para me dar? A filha respondeu:

Tinha mamãe. Passei por jardins lindos, de flores perfumadas e coloridas, mas logo que vi essa tristinha, tive certeza de que ela estava precisando de seu carinho de suas mãos para reviver. A mãe chorando, providenciou um jarro com terra fértil e molhada para replantar o galho e cuidar dele.

Jesus é Filho de Deus e veio a terra não para desfrutar dos palácios luxuosos e fazer turismo em praias e hotéis caros. Não, os dias de Jesus eram muito movimentados, sempre na companhia de necessitados. Um passo e “uma flor murcha" cruzando Seu caminho, para de Suas mãos receber vida. Por isso, amado leitor, se algo hoje não está bem, tem feito você chorar e se entristecer, essa “flor murcha” poderá reviver. Não, ela não foi parar por acaso em suas mãos.

Jesus poderia ter sido mau humorado, resmungão, por tantos problemas que lhe eram apresentados durante seu ministério: doentes, endemoninhados, críticos de plantão, e tantas outras coisas, mas não. Ele não foi vencido pelo stress porque reservava momentos para orar, conversar a sós com Deus e isso, proporcionava descanso. E Ele nos ensinou a fazer o mesmo quando disse: "buscai o Reino de Deus em primeiro lugar" Mateus 6:33.

Momentos....Em um momento, noivos firmam compromisso de casamento e união eterna com as curtas palavras; "sim, aceito". Em fração de segundos pessoas ganham ou perdem a vida, momentos...Em um momento de raiva, as palavras faladas causam danos para toda vida. Elas não podem ser levadas de volta, apesar de nosso arrependimento ou tristeza.

Um toque, foi apenas um toque e a Mulher com Fluxo de Sangue ficou curada. Quantos segundos demorou o encontro de suas mãos com a veste de Jesus? Apenas um momento. Uma fração de segundos que lhe devolveu a vida, restituiu os doze anos de sofrimento.

Quanto tempo levamos para pronunciar "eu te amo"? Segundos, que podem mudar um Universo de coisas. Pode trazer de volta a vida, propiciar felicidade. Da mesma forma, um "eu te odeio" pode em segundos, destruir para sempre.

Nosso inimigo quer roubar nossos momentos preciosos. Distrações nos fazem usar mau o tempo, mantendo-nos longe de coisas importantes. Acontecimentos inesperados tendem a nos desanimar, mas procrastinar faz com que percamos nossos momentos para sempre. Reguemos com sabedoria e vigilância nossos momentos, a reunião deles, compõem nossa vida.

Deus nos presenteia com o tempo, somos responsáveis pela forma como gastá-los.Que "flor murcha" está em nossas mãos hoje? Façamos uma reflexão sobre o valor dessa flor, cada momento representa uma oportunidade e somente com Deus é possível encontrar direção segura e "vasos férteis e regados" para depositarmos as flores murchas que nos chegam às mãos.

A Primavera e Fé !!!

"A fé e ao amor que a primavera da esperança armazena para você no céu e que você já ouviu falar na Palavra da Verdade, o Evangelho." Colossenses 1:5 , NvI

É inicio de primavera, a estação do reflorescimento da flora e da fauna. No Brasil, comemora-se a Primavera austral que tem inicio em 22 de Setembro e termina 21 de Dezembro. Morei no norte do País, e nessa região, não percebemos claramente a chegada da estação, lamento! Mas no Sul e em alguns lugares do centro-oeste, é possível ver bem de perto os efeitos da nova estação: dias mais claros e longos, temperatura amena, desabrochar das flores com todas as cores e beleza. Primavera também é um bom período para o plantio, especialmente de milho e soja, a chegada da chuva ajuda a regar as plantações.

Primavera é sinônimo de esperança, é Deus renovando o que já parecia sem vida. Li tempos atrás, uma frase que dizia: "Quando Deus criou a esperança, era inicio de primavera". Primavera é assim como um largo sorriso que expressa a felicidade da existência.

Foi na Primavera que aconteceu a libertação dos israelitas do domínio de faraó, o nascimento de Isaac, após a promessa: "virei a vocês na primavera e Sara conceberá" Gn 18:14. A páscoa judaica é em meados da primavera e reserva lições essenciais sobre vida e morte, prisão e libertação, enfim sobre a necessidade de renascer para uma nova esperança em Cristo Jesus, o Cordeiro de Deus sacrificado na Páscoa, primavera judaica. 

Fé tem muito a ver com primavera porque somente através da fé em um Deus que transforma é que enxergamos a beleza do futuro, quando em nosso presente, ainda é inverno daqueles bem frios e carregados de lama. Primavera é mais que uma estação, é estado de espírito, que não desanima diante das tempestades que varrem as sementes e as plantações. Mas elas brotam, em outro tempo e lugar, reservado por Deus, não se perdem. As plantações se vão, mas das raízes que não se foram renascem, na primavera. 

O versículo que inicia esse artigo traz uma versão maravilhosa para Colossenses 1:5" A fé e ao amor que a primavera da esperança armazena para você no céu e que você já ouviu falar na Palavra da Verdade, o Evangelho." Colossenses 1:5 Que maravilha de promessa!! Essa é a melhor de todas as primaveras! A que está reservada para os que recebem a Palavra da Verdade no coração! 

Quando estiver triste, abatido, se sentindo solitário, humilhado. Ou quando estiver feliz, realizado, amado, acompanhado lembre-se: "Há uma primavera da esperança reservada para todos os que creem em Cristo Jesus! 

Essa primavera é eterna. Posso vê-la aqui no Nordeste ou em qualquer outro lugar que esteja.Viva a primavera!

Deus o abençoe.

sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Do not Expect the Impossible

Do not Expect ImpossívelTexto : Matthew 19:26 - Mark 10:27 - Luke 1:37 - Luke 18:27

Introduction : From these verses we understand the fact that nothing is impossible with God . He is an omnipotent and sovereign . I certainly do not want to take anything away about their understanding of it .

However , the title for the message tonight is: Do not expect the impossible ! Now , let me explain what I mean .

God, the Creator of the universe is a God of law and order. He created this universe with certain laws which govern it. Therefore , we should not expect things that are contrary to their natural law .

We must not expect the impossible !

Touch the hand on a hot object ; Do not expect not to get burned .
If you play from a tall building; Do not expect not to fall to the ground .
Plant a seed and produces its kind ; Do not expect the watermelon grow on stalks of corn.

God is a God of law and order.

His Word declares that in the spiritual realm , the laws are so fixed as the physical. Spiritual laws were revealed to man to know , respect , in order to receive blessings 
This is not a question of what God can do ! This has already been established . Nothing is impossible with God .
He can make up GROWING WATERMELON standing corn . But while their laws are in place , it is impossible .

God chose to work with limits set Himself .

So , once again , the message is this: Do not expect the impossible .

I. The Sinner Often Expect the Impossible .

A. Some expect to be saved by some mysterious act of God .

1. But there is only one way to save

a. By grace through faith. " For by grace are ye saved through faith , and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God " Ephesians 2:8

b . We must believe in the Word of God in Christ as savior. " For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation . " Romans 10:10

c . God is no respecter of persons .

d. What He does for one, do for all .

B. Some expect to be saved without obedience to the gospel .

1. But the Gospel declares the fate of the disobedient . " As flames of fire taking vengeance on them that know not God , and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who suffer the punishment of eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his power " ( 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 )

2 . God longs for all to be reconciled. " Now then we are ambassadors for Christ , as though God were entreating by us . We beseech you therefore, in Christ's stead , be ye reconciled to God. " 2 Corinthians 5:20

3 . He wishes none to be lost . " The Lord is not slack concerning his promise , as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us , not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance . " 2 Peter 3:9

C. Some do not expect to have to give account of their actions :

1. The Word of God makes it clear that everyone will stand before God.

2 . The issue today is that our sins were covered by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. " For the wages of sin is death , but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord . " Romans 6:23 " For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ , that each one may receive the things done in his body , according to what he has done , whether good or bad . " 2 Corinthians 5:10

II . Many Christians Expect the Impossible When It Local Church .

A. Many expect it to grow without making any effort .

1. The growth will not come just because we want to happen .

2 . It only comes when we started working ! " From whom the whole body fitly framed and knit together through every joint of aid , according to the effectual working of every part, maketh increase of the body for the building up in love. " Ephesians 4:16

B. Many think that the church will grow if :

1. Changing pastor.

2 . A good worship ministry .

3 . A young pastor exciting.

4 . A beautiful temple " build it they will come " does not work with a church !

C. The growth is the result of people obedient to the truth .

1. Many expect the church to grow without them doing anything .

2 . They hope to increase the participation of visitors in worship without them invite and encourage others to come .

3 . They hope the neighbors and family to be saved without confronting them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

III . People often expect the Impossible

A. They expect to be spiritually strong , to be able to overcome the temptation , without applying the principles of the Word of God in their lives .

1. If we are not able to wield the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God . ( Ephesians 6:17)

2 . If we neglect prayer . ( Ephesians 6:18)

3 . If we are not able to put on the whole armor of God , we will be unable to resist !

4 . Faith must be based on knowledge .

B. They expect satisfaction without being fully committed to the cause of the Lord .

1. A huge disappointment comes as a result of the attempt to grab life , and the hope of future life .

a. We can not serve two masters .

b . We are mistaken if we think that this life has priority and expect satisfaction in serving God . " If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God . Set your minds on things that are above, not on things on the earth . " Colossians 3:1-2

C. Expect joy of worship when we put nothing in worship .

1. Too often we come to church for the wrong reasons .

2 . If you are looking for something wrong, you will find it .

3 . We come to worship God .

4 . In the presence of God , there must be confession of sin , self-examination , and ask for forgiveness .

5 . We need to hear His truth to apply to our lives .

Conclusion : We are expecting the impossible today? If you do not have Christ and expect to go to heaven otherwise than by the cross ... is impossible. Come to Jesus today!

Believer , if you are expecting God's blessings in your life without living according to His Word , then you are expecting the impossible !

Church members , if you are expecting this church grow without becoming an active part of this ministry , then you are expecting the impossible !


( Matthew 9:37-38 ) - then toldhis disciples, The harvest truly is great , but the laborers few . pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

Today in Brazil and worldwide, we see through newspapers and various communications media the desperate act of evil forces against humanity , men women young teenagers and even children, are brought to the terrible world of crime, prostitution , drugs , and many other barbarities offered by the devil .

People completely blind eyes sealed spiritually , people oppressed chained and imprisoned by
sin plaguing the nation . 

whereas the soul cries for help . There is an outcry , a cry for peace.

" Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send workers . " Are you available ?

God wants to send you and me.

Mission requires us vision, love for souls , and disposition, we need to look to the world with the biblical perspective , and

know that Jesus died for us for us of the right to life eternal . we must love sinners , because God so loved the world that he gave his only Son to die for us . we must have to win souls . how many souls

you've already won this year for christ ? already prayed to the Lord for a soul to It ? Could you ask God
with tears , cry with groans , feeling the pain of those who are suffering perishing without Christ? Does
you are able to call on God for their city ​​? God gives - me or I are Matthew die! God give me souls or take the

My ! You have the vision of God ? you have love for souls ? you have provision , God calls you and wants to use you . Many people who have not been reached by the gospel , live tormented without peace and hope, while we are accommodated waiting for someone to go in , always have something more urgent and more important to do , sometimes a trip a tour or other activities, and not reserve time for God . while we
still, the world is evil , millions people are being taken to eternal abyss . The Apostle Paul in 1cor 9-22 says, became - all things to all , for any and all save mode a few. You have done something to save some ?

We are able to hear the cry of those that are falling into hell , or those who are walking in the same direction ,
walk in the dark over you , the light the world and the salt of the earth, we take light hope and peace to these people

Jesus cristo.façamos something, something concrete to change this situation . god is awakening the church , as well as God raised up prophets , men and women in difficult times times moral and spiritual crisis throughout history Bible , God wants to raise here today people to evangelize , heal and restore free.

A wonderful example is the vision of Prophet Isaiah , In times of moral crisis and spiritual God raises the prophet Isaiah to announce message of truth . Isaiah has a real encounter with God . Isaiah sees glory of God the throne of the Almighty his majesty , holiness and true character of God . The prophet acknowledges that needs to change , open your spiritual eyes , recognizes its smallness its fragility , and asks God's mercy. an angel is sent God touches the lips of the Prophet Isaiah with a coal and cleanse your sin ,

God chose you , and will purify you , God will send the angel with a live coal from touch the altar, and go thy lips , and I will take you where he wants you var .

The voice of the Lord cries ardently as thunder like a trumpet , after showing the scenery , the countryside , the nation's lack of people, and the act of the devil in the lives of people. God shows his glory throne, his power and his majesty question to you : WHO SHIP , AND

WHO 'S GO FOR U.S. ? we can respond as the prophet Isaiah ? LORD HERE I AM , SEND ME ME.

The nation cries out for help , the nature cries for help . If the church is shut out stones will cry out . God tells us .

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature .

quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2013

Surprised By Death

For the footballer Marc - Vivien Foe (28 years ) of the Cameroon National Team , June 26, 2003 was a special day in your life . He and his teammates would play against Colombia the opportunity to contest the final of the Confederations Cup . It was also a special day for his wife and his family, who were anxiously waiting for the game in a crowded stadium . Of course everyone expected a victory of his team and a good performance of Marc - Vivien . He prepared intensively for the tournament and like all other players tried to be in excellent physical shape .

The whistle started the game at 13:00 in Lyon , France . The team of Marc - Vivien played well and made ​​a ninth-minute goal that secured his place in the final against France .

Then the unexpected happened . After 28 minutes the second time, for no apparent reason , Marc - Vivien fell , when he returned to assist in marking . None of his opponents had touched , not even one of the players on your selection . With eyes turned he remains lying on the ground ! Shocked, the other players give signal to the medical department to make the call. Also in camp was attended by the Colombian team doctor , Hector Cruz , who tried to " revive " it. Thereafter , on the edge of the field , other doctors trying , unsuccessfully , for another 40 minutes. Marc - Vivien did not react to any attempt at revival and died there on the lawn in front of spectators and television cameras .

That painful tragedy ! His wife and her family are forced to watch helplessly everything ! The same way as their colleagues who could not rejoice in victory and even thought about the possibility of giving the final. FIFA president Sepp Blatter lamented : " The football family is shaken by this tragic event."

The Bible is very clear about death . In Hebrews 9:27 it is written : " And as it is appointed unto men once to die , but after this the judgment ... " . Every human being will die someday. Death is a reality with which we are confronted daily by the news in the newspapers and on television . The important question is : are we ready for death , and what comes next ? As the player prepares for the tournament , training daily, and each of us is prepared for the demands of life, as it has been about death ?

If you think that everything ends with death , we are mistaken . There is "nothing " that awaits us , or a life in another way many religions and philosophies have us believe. No, what awaits us is the judgment , that is to say , we have to be accountable before God on how we react toward His Son this life . This decides where we will spend eternity in heaven or hell . And if we want to believe and we do not have it , we will be surprised .

" When you're old, then 'll worry about life after death" , responds to most people when asked about it . And Marc - Vivien ? Twenty-eight years is an age in which it has death ? Death took him by surprise . He , his family , his colleagues and the whole world , who watched flabbergasted by television or read in newspapers . We can also be caught by surprise . Before our death we will have a " last chance " to prepare ? Or happen to us as the soccer player ?

In John 3:16-17 we read : " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son , so that everyone who believes in him should not perish , but have everlasting life . For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world , but that the world might be saved through him. " Here we see the great love God has for each person . God sent His own son , Jesus Christ to this earth , in order to save the world . He wants to save us from eternal damnation , which is the consequence of our sinful nature .

Prepare for death means putting your life in order with God . For this there is only one way : to accept the salvation that Jesus Christ offers through His death on the cross - " Neither is there salvation in any other: under heaven there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved " ( Acts 4:12 ) . And in John 14:6 Jesus says, " I am the way , the truth , and the life : no man cometh unto the Father but by me ." Do not leave for later the decision of where you would spend eternity - with Him in glory or away from Him in eternal damnation . Take that step now, today , and give your life to Him He will welcome you with open arms , will forgive all guilt and give you eternal life. He now awaits you in so long !

Their redemption , more important than the Private Ryan

In the film Saving Private Ryan , director Steven Spielberg tells the story of an American command sent to seek and to save a single soldier behind German lines in World War II . For him, other risk life and rescue detachment commander to die . In the final scene , the elderly James Ryan appears before the grave of Captain Miller , who owes his life and who was always grateful for that .

Immediately we remember the message of the Gospel and Jesus' statement in John 15:13 : " No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for his friends." A Christian is someone who one day recognized that Jesus Christ did just that : He died to save his life . A Christian is a person who is aware that God paid a high price for their freedom (compare 1 Corinthians 6:20 ) and He is grateful for his rescue .

At one point , however, the comparison does not fit . The reason Captain Miller seek and save Private Ryan is able to return home as soon as possible . The it does not matter who is Ryan . Interests him only to escape as soon as the hell of war .

At this point the similarity ends with Jesus Christ. The Son of God left the heavenly glory to perform a rescue mission . He lived as a man on this earth , and faced the evil , this strong enemy power that dominates the world off from God . The mission of Jesus was the salvation of men . For her, He gave everything . To carry out the will of God , He suffered a terrible death , " emptied himself , taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men: And being found in human form, he humbled himself , becoming obedient unto death, even death on a cross " ( Philippians 2:7-8 ) .

Why does the Almighty God did not annihilate the men lost ? Why did not he forced them to do good ? What impulsinou God ? Pure love . " For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son , so that everyone who believes in him should not perish , but have everlasting life . For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world , but for that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not judged : he that believeth not is condemned already , because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God " (John 3:16-18 ) .

God seeks each person individually . It searches for a single man to rescue him : " What do you think ? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away , will he not leave the ninety-nine the mountains , going to seek the one that wandered off ? " ( Matthew 18:12 ) . Accept being rescued by Jesus. Let Him take perdition , terrain dominated by the enemy , give your life to Him and have eternal security of salvation .

Loneliness , thankfully over ...

I recently heard a social worker say : " The solitude became one of the biggest problems of our time . We have to do something to combat it . " I can not imagine what it aims to achieve, but I know that no human initiative definitely solve loneliness .

When God created man , He even wanted to fill the heart of man . If , however , people decide to exclude God from your life , it's no wonder they feel lonely , your heart is empty rather than filled with the divine presence .

You do not necessarily have to be alone to feel lonely . Every human heart needs a friend - someone you can trust . We need someone who really knows us and understands us , involving us with care , whatever our problems . Where , however , we can find such a friend? It is impossible to find a human being who will never disappoint us - only Jesus is the perfect friend !

Only He has the answer to your problems . He knows you better than you do . After all , Jesus loves you and cares for you , in a way no one else could. Accept Him as a Friend, and you'll never feel lonely. Incidentally , how could feel alone if your best friend will always be with you ?

These are not theories , but certainty based on experience. It is wonderful to be alone when you are alone with Him can not express this feeling in words . The human companionship is very poor if compared to communion with Jesus. If you are aware of His presence day after day and hour after hour , your heart will be filled with peace and joy unspeakable .

Do you feel lonely? Need someone to love and care for you ? Now accepted Jesus as their Savior and Friend ! Surrender yourself completely to Him and trust Him as their Redeemer . Think how He suffered in your place on the cross and removed once and for all their sins " by the sacrifice of himself " ( Hebrews 9:26 ) .

Now looking to Jesus , trust in Him and perfect sacrifice that accomplished for you on the cross . Then your sins will be forgiven , your life will be saved , renewed and transformed by the Holy Spirit will dwell in you : " ... the blood of Jesus , his Son , purifies us from all sin " ( 1 John 1:7 ) .

Accept Jesus as your Savior now , to be forever your friend , your partner and your guide ! He will end his loneliness . Nobody needs to go alone, because it is possible to have Jesus , the Son of God , as his best and closest friend !

Separation of Light and Darkness...

" Arise , shine, for your light has come , and the glory of the Lord rises upon you . For behold, darkness shall cover the earth , and gross darkness the people : but upon you the Lord appears resplendent , and his glory shall be seen upon thee " (Isa. 60.1-2 ) .

The word " light" is highlighted by the prophet Isaiah . What is the "light " ? We all know that light is the absence of darkness, but we must understand that the issue here is the separation between light and darkness . We read in the beginning of the Bible : " ... and ( God ) has separated the light from the darkness" ( Gen. 1:4 b ) . God did not eliminate the darkness , He separated the light . Therefore , a second key word to remember is that " separation."

The coming of Jesus means exactly that : separation ! Or do you believe and accept that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh , lived a sinless life and sacrificed himself , shedding His blood on the cross of Calvary for their sins , and so you became a child of light , or you reject this eternal truth and remains a child of darkness .

The opening verse not only says " behold, darkness shall cover the earth ," but continues: " and gross darkness the people ." This is the reality in our world . For example , we can hardly imagine the terrible darkness in which they lived - suicidal Islamic terrorists who hijacked the airliners on September 11, 2001 and launched into buildings occupied by thousands of innocent people . Why did they do this? Undoubtedly , they were convinced that his act was justified , for them , this was the right thing to do . They firmly believed that at death , would be transferred to the glory of paradise . However , such religious belief is not based on truth , it has its foundation in the imagination of the evil hearts of men seduced by the " darkness" .

Scripture , however, does not say that only the people who commit such heinous crimes live in darkness , for we read : " ... the darkness [ copper ] people ." This means that all the world's people live in darkness .

The darkness is a terrible thing , because it prevents us to see anything. For example , if you enter the basement of a house or other dark place at night without having a light run serious danger of getting hurt . That's what the Bible reports: all people on earth are in serious danger , not only in his present life , but also how to eternity . Therefore , it is extremely important that you come to light.

When Jesus , the light of the world , the Word ( the Word ) of God , became flesh and dwelt among us , He gave birth to all, saying, " I am the light of the world " ( Jn 8:12 ) . John, however , said : " And the light shineth in darkness , and the darkness comprehended it not " (John 1.5 , Ed Revised and Corrected ) . Why the darkness did not comprehend ? We found the answer to this important question in John 3:19-20 : " this is the condemnation , that light is come into the world , and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil . For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light , in order not to be accused of his works . "

The birth of Christ , or Christmas, can only become effective in your life , if you come out of the darkness and into the light . Without it , Christmas will be just like a traditional theater piece - in fact , foolish and commercial .

The words of Isaiah 60.1-2 are directed at Israel. The light was and is Jesus Christ , the Son of God , the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world . The supply of light and the separation was made ​​initially to the Jews . It was aimed at Israel , which , however , rejected Jesus . So he turned to the Gentiles . This becomes very clear in verse 3 : " The nations ( Gentiles) shall come to thy light ... " Therefore , the words of verse 2b still awaiting its ultimate fulfillment , " but upon thee (Israel ) appears resplendent Lord , and his glory will be seen upon thee." That has not happened with Israel , so that should be adhered to in the future.

In the same chapter , the prophet Isaiah proclaims, "We also will come to you , leaning , the sons of those who afflicted you , will prostrate themselves to the soles of your feet all that I disdained and will call you the City Lord , the Zion of the Holy One of Israel " (Isaiah 60.14 ) . Currently , the opposite happens : Israel continues hated and oppressed . The Arabs have only one goal : the destruction of the Jewish state . They say that Zionism should be eliminated . However , this will not happen . In the end, all people will call Jerusalem the "City of the Lord , The Zion of the Holy One of Israel."

Finally , the prophet says : " Never again will violence be heard in thy land , wasting nor destruction within thy borders ... " ( v. 18 ) . The time will come when Israel will be the nation dedicated to the Lord , just as it is recorded in Scripture. Israel will be a praise to God in the midst of all the peoples of the earth . Only then true peace prevail across the globe . The Prince of Peace will rule " with a rod of iron " (Rev. 19:15 ) and will not tolerate any rebellion. All people are subject to the authority of the Lord of lords and King of kings , Jesus , the Crucified . So finally , Luke 2:14 is a global reality : " ... on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."

This type of Christmas still unimaginable in the days we live in, because the whole world lies in darkness . However , there is one exception: the individual and personal inner peace that you can try now . Even in these turbulent times , this peace that " passeth all understanding " (see Philippians 4:7) is available for you. Have a true Christmas experience this year ! Jesus said : " Therefore you now have sorrow: but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice , and your joy no one will take " ( Jn 16:22 ) .

In Christ, Pastor Valni Borges.

segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013

What is the sanctity of the elected.

This application brings us to a question : If we are to be like God in holiness , that holiness is ? On two things: our adequacy in relation to the nature of God and our subjection to his will .

Our holiness consists in our fitness for the nature of God . For the saints are partakers of the divine nature , which does not mean to be a partaker of his essence , but his image ( 2 Peter 1:4) . Herein is the holiness of the saints , when they are the living image of God . They carry the image of the divine humility in Christ , in his mercy , his heavenliness ; your appreciation of heavenly values ​​, their willingness for God and love what God loves and hate what he hates .

Our holiness consists also in our subjection to the will of God . Just as the nature of God 's standard of holiness , and His will is the rule of holiness . Our holiness is raised when we do His will (Acts 13:22 ) and when we endure his will (Micah 7:9) , that is , when he knowingly inflicts upon us , willingly , we suffer . Our great perspective should be to resemble God in holiness. Our holiness should be treated as the holiness of God as well as His holiness is real , it should be ours too . " Justice and righteousness coming from truth" ( Eph 4:24 ) . There should be an image of holiness , but life, not as the Egyptian temples , embellished , but without purity. Should be like Solomon's temple , golden inside : "All beauty is the daughter of the king inside the palace , and his garment is recamada gold " (Ps. 45.13 ) .

The value of the holiness of the elect

In order to make you resemble God in holiness , would like to consider the value of the holiness of the elect :

1. The dignity that applies to the saints . How illustrious every holy person is . It's like a clean glass in which some of the rays of God's holiness shine . We read that Aaron wore his clothes for glory and beauty ( Ex. 28.2 ) . When you wear clothes embroidered holiness is the glory and beauty. A good Christian is reddish because it was sprinkled with the blood of Christ, and white, because it was adorned with holiness. So how is the diamond for a ring , is holiness to the soul which, as Chrysostom says , " those who oppose it can only admire it ."

2 . The greatness of the purpose of sanctification . It's a great purpose that God runs the world make a person in his likeness in holiness . What are the splashes of the ordinances of justice but dripping on us to make us holy ? What promises to serve only to encourage holiness ? For the Spirit was sent into the world but to anoint us with the holy anointing ? ( Uo 2:20 ) . What are all afflictions but to make us partakers of the holiness of God ? ( Heb 12:10 ) . What are the mercies but to draw us to holiness ? What is the purpose of Christ's death but that his blood could purify us for our lack of holiness ? " The what gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity , and purify unto himself a people for His own possession " ( Titus 2:14 ) . Thus , if we are not saints , crucify the great purpose of God in the world .

3 . Holiness attracts the heart of God . Holiness is God's image and he can not do anything but love his image where he sees it. A king loves to see his effigy on a coin . " You love righteousness " (Ps. 45.7 ) . Where justice grows , but in a holy heart ? " Call you shall be My - Delight ... for the LORD delights in you " (Isaiah 62.4 ) . It was his holiness that attracted the love of God to her . " Call you will Holy People " (Isaiah 62.12 ) . God values ​​someone not rich by birth , but by personal holiness .

4 . The holiness distinguishes Christians in the world . Holiness is the only thing that distinguishes us from the wicked . God's people have his seal upon them . " Nevertheless the solid foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his . And more : Apart from the injustice Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord " ( 2 Tim 2:19 ) . The people of God are sealed with a double seal : the election : " The Lord knows those who are his ," and sanctification : " Get away from injustice Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord." How noble is recognized by another person for his silver star , as a virtuous woman is different from a prostitute for her chastity, holiness is well recognized among men . All who are of God have Christ for their captain and holiness is the white color dress ( Heb 2:10 ) .

5 . Holiness is the honor of Christians . Holiness and honor are put together ( Thess 4.4 ) . Dignity walks with sanctification . " To him who loves us and has freed us by His blood for our sins , and hath made us kings and priests to His God and Father " (Revelation 1:5). When we are washed and made ​​holy , then we are kings and priests to God. The saints are called vessels of honor , are called jewels by brightness of His Holiness , the filling with the wine of the Spirit . This makes them earthly angels .

6 . Holiness gives us boldness before God . " If afastares injustice of thy tent ... lift up your face to God " (Job 22:23 , 26) . Lift the face is a symbol of boldness . Nothing can both be ashamed to approach God as sin . A wicked man can raise his hands in prayer , but can not stand his face . When Adam lost its sanctity , lost his confidence , he hid . However , the holy person goes to God as a child goes to his father , his conscience does not reproach the possibility of any sin , so can go boldly to the throne of grace and have mercy to help in time of need ( Heb. 4:16 ) .

7 . Holiness brings peace to Christians . Sin raises a storm in consciousness : Where there is sin , there is turmoil. " To the wicked , saith my God , no peace " (Isaiah 57.21 ) . Justice and peace are put together . Holiness is the root that supports this sweet fruit of peace. Righteousness and peace kiss each other .

8 . Holiness leads the Christian to heaven . It is the road of the King of Heaven " And there will be no good way , a way that will be called the Holy Way " (Isaiah 35.8 ) . Rome was the temple of virtue and honor , and everyone should go through the temple of virtue to reach the temple of honor , so we go to the temple of the holy temple of heaven . The glory begins in virtue. "We called for his own glory and virtue " ( 2 Peter 1:3) . Happiness is nothing more than the essence of holiness, holiness is glory militant , and happiness holiness triumphant .

As the elect should seek holiness

What should we do to resemble God in holiness ? Or how should we seek holiness ?

1. Seeking refuge in Christ . Seek emergency blood of Christ by faith . This is the washing of the soul . The purifications of the law were types and emblems that ( 1 John 1:7 ) . The Word is the mirror that shows our stains and blood of Christ is a fountain to wash them .
2 . Asking for a holy heart . Praying to God asking you a heart saint. " Create in me , O God , a pure heart " (Ps. 51:10 ) . Pour out your heart before God and say, " Lord , my heart is full of leprosy infects everything it touches. Lord , I can not live with such a heart , for I can not honor you , nor die with such a heart , because you will not be able view . Create in me a pure heart , send me your Spirit , refines me and cleanse me , so I can be a proper temple for thee, O holy God dwell " .

domingo, 22 de setembro de 2013

Um Jovem !!!

Um jovem e bem sucedido executivo dirigia, em alta velocidade sua nova Ferrari. De repente um tijolo espatifou-se na porta lateral da Ferrari! Freou bruscamente e deu ré até o lugar de onde teria vindo o tijolo.

Saltou do carro e pegou bruscamente uma criança, empurrando-a contra um veículo estacionado e gritou:
- "Por que isso? Quem é você? Que besteira você pensa que está fazendo? Este é um novo e caro. Aquele tijolo que você jogou vai me custar muito dinheiro. Por que você fez isto?"

- "Por favor senhor me desculpe!" -implorou o pequeno menino. "- Eu não sabia mais o que fazer! Ninguém estava disposto a parar e me atender neste local."
Lágrimas corriam do rosto do garoto, enquanto apontava na direção dos carros estacionados.
- "É meu irmão. Ele desceu sem freio e caiu de sua cadeira de rodas e não consigo levantá-lo."

Soluçando, o menino perguntou ao executivo:
- "O senhor poderia me ajudar a recolocá-lo em sua cadeira de rodas? Ele está machucado e é muito pesado para mim."

Movido internamente muito além das palavras, o jovem motorista engolindo "um imenso nó" dirigiu-se ao jovenzinho, colocando-o em sua cadeira de rodas. Tirou seu lenço, limpou as feridas e arranhões, verificando se tudo estava bem.
- "Obrigado e que Deus possa abençoá-lo!" -agradeceu a criança.

O homem viu então o menino se distanciar, empurrando o irmão em direção à casa.

Foi um longo caminho até a Ferrari.... um longo e lento caminho de volta. Ele nunca consertou a porta amassada. Deixou assim para lembrá-lo de não ir tão rápido pela vida, sem que alguém precisasse atirar um tijolo para obter a sua atenção.

Vida breve !!!

Essa nossa vida é tão curta...
O tempo em que ficamos neste mundo é tão breve ...
Existem tantas coisas boas, úteis, concretas e que, principalmente, estão ao nosso alcance e as deixamos de lado. Não lhes damos a atenção necessária.

Talvez por não acreditarmos que os momentos e os detalhes são únicos.

Ou talvez por esquecermos que as oportunidades podem ser descartadas, mas dificilmente repetidas.

Vivemos nos queixando pelas grandes obras que não podemos realizar e deixamos de lado aquelas pequenas que nos são possíveis.

Vivemos desejando asas, enquanto nossos pés nos convidam à pisar firmes no chão.

Acreditamos que a nossa felicidade está naquilo que desejamos e deixamos de amar o que possuímos.

Nossa vida é breve e temos muita coisa útil à realizar.

De modo algum justifica-se nossa busca por satisfações efêmeras, enquanto nossa realização está justamente naquilo que já é nosso.

Devemos nos lembrar que passaremos por este caminho, este mundo, uma só vez.
Precisamos, portanto, aproveitar esta oportunidade única, breve...

As sete verdades do Bambú !!!

Depois de uma grande tempestade, o menino que estava passando férias na casa do seu avô, o chamou para a varanda e falou:
Vovô corre aqui! Me explica como essa figueira, árvore frondosa e imensa, que precisava de quatro homens para balançar seu tronco se quebrou, caiu com o vento e com a chuva... este bambu é tão fraco e continua de pé?

Filho, o bambu permanece em pé porque teve a humildade de se curvar na hora da tempestade. A figueira quis enfrentar o vento. O bambu nos ensina sete coisas. Se você tiver a grandeza e a humildade dele, vai experimentar o triunfo da paz em seu coração.

A primeira verdade que o bambu nos ensina, e a mais importante, é a humildade diante dos problemas, das dificuldades. Eu não me curvo diante do problema e da dificuldade, mas diante daquele, o único, o princípio da paz, aquele que me chama, que é o Senhor.

Segunda verdade: o bambu cria raízes profundas. É muito difícil arrancar um bambu, pois o que ele tem para cima ele tem para baixo também. Você precisa aprofundar a cada dia suas raízes em Deus na oração.

Terceira verdade: Você já viu um pé de bambu sozinho? Apenas quando é novo, mas antes de crescer ele permite que nasça outros a seu lado (como no cooperativismo). Sabe que vai precisar deles. Eles estão sempre grudados uns nos outros, tanto que de longe parecem com uma árvore. Às vezes tentamos arrancar um bambu lá de dentro, cortamos e não conseguimos. Os animais mais frágeis vivem em bandos, para que desse modo se livrem dos predadores.

A quarta verdade que o bambu nos ensina é não criar galhos. Como tem a meta no alto e vive em moita, comunidade, o bambu não se permite criar galhos. Nós perdemos muito tempo na vida tentando proteger nossos galhos, coisas insignificantes que damos um valor inestimável. Para ganhar, é preciso perder tudo aquilo que nos impede de subirmos suavemente.

A quinta verdade é que o bambu é cheio de nós ( e não de eus ). Como ele é oco, sabe que se crescesse sem nós seria muito fraco. Os nós são os problemas e as dificuldades que superamos. Os nós são as pessoas que nos ajudam, aqueles que estão próximos e acabam sendo força nos momentos difíceis. Não devemos pedir a Deus que nos afaste dos problemas e dos sofrimentos. Eles são nossos melhores professores, se soubermos aprender com eles.

A sexta verdade é que o bambu é oco, vazio de si mesmo. Enquanto não nos esvaziarmos de tudo aquilo que nos preenche, que rouba nosso tempo, que tira nossa paz, não seremos felizes. Ser oco significa estar pronto para ser cheio do Espírito Santo.

Por fim, a sétima lição que o bambu nos dá é exatamente o título do livro: ele só cresce para o alto. Ele busca as coisas do Alto.

Essa é a sua meta.

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

"Be sober, be vigilant because the devil, your adversary prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

Thought: Believe it or not, but the evil is real. And there is a caregiver who is our enemy and he wastes no time nor opportunity to bring us down. The interesting that just as the verse says, he is just making noise round about, that because he works with lying, cheating and confusion, making ourselves do the wrong choices. Therefore we must watch and keep the Word of God, we can walk on the right path, avoiding pain and suffering.

Prayer: Thank you God for teaching me through His word, what are the strategies of the enemy so that I can watch over and make the right choices. Teach me Your truth every day more, that I may be delivered from deception and error. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen

Acts Today - Growing the Church growing problems!!

Acts 6:1 - ¶ But in those days, when the number of disciples, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.

The Church of Jesus Christ is a living organism, composed of men and women saved from condemnation by faith in the Savior. And as in any group of people, there may be conflicts and relationship difficulties among its members.

The community of disciples faced problems as the number of members grew. Neither will ours! What identifies the spirituality of a congregation is not the absence of friction, but the maturity and love to solve them.

Stop dreaming and look up the perfect church. You will not find it! But we can rest our faith in the perfect Savior we have. And that is enough for those who trust in His precious salvation!

'' I Am Jesus''

Acts 9:5 - And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. Is hard for thee to kick against the goads.

On the road to Damascus, a flash blinds the eyes of Saul of Tarsus. And a powerful voice identifies your name: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" - Stunned, Saul asks, "Who are you Lord?" - Said the Lord: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting" (Acts 9 : 5).

When you go through impactful experiences, people naturally seek some explanation: "was very unlucky", "was" fate, "was social pressure", "was my childhood." The need to justify something that is so great that even without much logic, stories without rhyme or category receive official explanation.

The Bible is very clear. When asked, she responds and takes. For the Bible, "Jesus is all in all." Therefore, it is not surprising the answer to the question of Master Saul. By saying "I am Jesus," the Lord does not waste time with theological discussions. Saul knew very well that Jesus had been crucified. Even so, the answer was simple: "I am Jesus." So even today, if we ask the Lord why our experiences impacting the answer will be the same. If we are Christians, explaining the deep things in our life is in Jesus Christ the Son of God.

When is Escape Fighting

1 Timothy 6:11 - But thou, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

After describing to Timothy materialistic greed of believers and pastors, the Apostle Paul recommends a courageous: "You, however, man of God, flee from all this" (I Timothy 6:11).

Ambition and greed make up the "love of money" which is "the root of all evil," according to Paul. Being root, this sentiment feared ability to penetrate the foundation of almost all spiritual values​​. Use material criteria for measuring religious values ​​is a way to reduce the superior qualities of mere quantities below. Number of baptisms is not the same as the number of converts. Great deals do not mean genuine dedication.

For Paul, to address these distortions and these temptations, Christians should not think twice. Gather all the forces and flee! Escape means not hesitate, do not negotiate, do not coexist. In such contexts, in which the whole world praises money and power, it takes courage, fighting spirit have to make the decision to flee. A close all media, to cut all avenues of relationship. Even in the process of fleeing face temptation to look back. And we are in danger of turning statues, with all appearances ecclesiastical, but lifeless. He who knows the "cunning wiles of the evil one" learns not to play with fire. Bold Christian escapes. Because escape is to fight!

Discouraged to Heart

Isaiah 35:4 - Say to those with fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God and he will come and save you.

The book of Isaiah is an alternation of convictions of sin and confirmation of the healing grace of the Lord. In one of his spiritual words of encouragement, the prophet writes: "Tell the bleak heart: be strong, fear not! Your God will come, will come with vengeance, with divine retribution will come to save them "(Isaiah 35:4).

If there is a feeling that has already invaded all Christians, this is the feeling of discouragement. In the world we live in, everything conspires against us. Envy of others, and we fulfill our tasks. Injustices, as we strive to follow what is right. Traps of the wicked, when they want to bring us down. There are times that makes you want to throw everything away and give up ...

It is especially in the midst of these depressing experiences that our heart needs the deep divine motivation. The feebleminded should be strong and not fear? Certainly, there will be forces that we no longer have. The reason is certainly the resolute promise of the Lord through the prophet: "Your God will come" and "will come with vengeance." This promise is important, because the Lord knows our weaknesses, in the process of doing justice with our own hands. The righteousness of the Lord, "with divine retribution will come to save them." The Lord help the discouraged heart: therefore, "be strong, do not fear".

Word That Transforms...

Precious Blood - Access to the Father

Hebrews 10:19 - ¶ Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus,

On what do you base your fellowship with God? What you feel? Or maybe what you do? What we feel and what we do are very unstable foundations ... our feeling changes throughout the day, and not always do everything that pleases the Lord.

Therefore, Christians should approach God trusting ONLY in the blood of Jesus Christ. It is because of the blood of Christ that we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place in the Heavenly Father's presence. Never base your Christian life in the instability of earthly things. It was the blood of Jesus that made us winners (Rev. 12:11).

Be daring this day! Between the presence of the Father in prayer and ask Him! Blood assured you can!

"The LORD is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalms 27:1

Thought: What problem are you facing today? What difficulties have plagued you, what concern has taken your sleep? What if I told you that you should not worry? Do you know why? Because there is a living God who looks at you all the time! Right now he is watching you. So do not delay! Cry out to the Lord! Tell HIM what you have spent. Do not be afraid! Show your problem the size of your God. Let the Lord take care of your emotional wounds. Let the light of Jesus shine upon your life, illuminating your steps and strengthen you more and more each day. You will soon feel a branch and never fear no evil, for the Lord is with you! The Lord made ​​heaven and earth, created you and me, gave us salvation through his son Jesus, and believe me, the best is yet to come GOD!

Prayer: God, I place before You my problems. By Thy mercy Lord watches over me! In Jesus' name I reject every problem that has afflicted me, and the whole concern, why is the Lord who sustains me by Thy mighty hand. Lord goes before me and brightens my life, because I know with you I have everything I need in Jesus name I pray, Amen