Noah's Ark and Mount Ararat...
God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me, because the
earth is filled with violence through them: behold I will destroy them
with the earth. Make thee an ark of gopher wood: rooms shalt thou make
in the ark ,
clothed and pitch it within and without. (Gen 6.13-14). Thus did Noah,
according to all that God commanded him, so he did. (Gen. 6:22). and the
ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. "Location of Mount Ararat and the Archaeological Expeditions:Mount Ararat is located in eastern Turkey near the Soviet-Iranian border. Its summit covered with perpetual snow, rises five thousand one hundred fifty-six meters above sea level.Mount AraratThe
first expeditions to Mount Ararat has happened in the last century,
many years before archaeologists began to dig into the soil of
Mesopotamia. The impulse that led these expeditions was given by the story of a pastor.On
the slopes of Ararat, there is a small village called Armenian Bayzit,
whose inhabitants have for several generations the extraordinary
adventure of a shepherd in the mountains one day, on Mount Ararat, would
have seen a large wooden ship. The Turkish narrative of an expedition of the year 1833 seemed to confirm the story of the shepherd. This narrative speaks expressly of the prow of a wooden ship in the summer would be put through on the glacier in the south.Once would have been seen by Dr. Nouri, Archdeacon of JerusaIém and Babylon. This restless ecclesiastical dignitary undertook, in 1892, a voyage of exploration the headwaters of the Euphrates. Upon
his return, spoke of the remains of a ship that turns the eternal ice:
"The interior was full of snow, the outer wall had a dark red color"During
the First World War, a Russian aviation officer called Roskovitzki had
spotted his plane on the south side of Ararat, "the remains of a strange
ship." In the midst of war, Tsar Nicholas II issued a group to investigate immediately. This group not only have seen the ship, but even taken photographs of him. It seems, however, that all evidence had disappeared during the October Revolution.During World War II, several people reported seeing the ark of the air: a Russian pilot and four U.S. airmen.The
latest reports have put into the field historian and American
missionary, Dr. Aaron Smith, of Greensborough, an expert in flood. After
long years of work, managed to compile a literary history of the Noah's
Ark. There are eighty thousand works in seventy-two languages on the
flood, seven thousand of which mention the legendary hull of Ararat.In 1951, with forty companions, Dr. Smith will come on the ice cap of Ararat for twelve days. "Although
we found no trace of Noah's ark," he said later, "my confidence in the
biblical flood was reinforced even more. Return there."Encouraged by Dr. Smith, the young French explorer of Greenland, Jean de Riquer, went up the mountain volcano in 1952. He also returned no results of any kind on the ark. Nevertheless, are continually being organized new expeditions to Mount Ararat.No
tradition about the early days of Mesopotamia agree so closely with the
Bible as the story of the flood described in the epic of Gilgamesh. In some places, there is an almost literal line. However, there is a significant difference and most essential. In the Genesis story, so familiar to us, it is one God. Disappeared
the idea grotesque, fantastic, and a sky crowded primitive deities,
many of which have characteristics too human, gods who weep and lament,
and become frightened and cringe like dogs.Aportamento of Noah's Ark:The
problem with all the traditions above the flood is just the unfortunate
tendency of man to believe in what I would like to believe. This
mentality comes up so well marked in the search of the ark on the
summit of Mount Agri Dagi, which rises five thousand one hundred
sixty-five meters above sea level, situated on the border between Turkey
and the USSR. According
to the Bible (Gen. 8.4), there would have contributed to Noah's Ark. In
fact, the indication is not as clear as it seems, because the Bible
speaks only in the "mountains of Ararat" when "Ararat" is just the name
of the ancient country of Urartu, which roughly corresponds to modern Armenia. The
epic of Gilgamesh also mentions the "hill Nisir" aportamento as the
site of the ark, in turn, Berossus, a Babylonian priest of the age of
Hellenism in its Babylonian Antiquities, introduces another location in
the debates over the "mountains of Cordiéia" . As
of yet another candidate for the honor of serving as the anchor point
to Noah's ark came a lot in Phrygia, Asia Minor, near the town of
Celaenae, fabled since antiquity, and, finally, the Muslims prefer to
locate the aportamento
site of the ark in the south of Agri Dagi in Djudi Hill, whose summit
has wide panoramic view of the plain of the "land between the rivers". In any case, few are left piles of aportamento of Noah's Ark.Likewise,
neither were adequately documented the events linked to Agri Dagi, Hill
aportamento mentioned the ark of the Christian tradition. For
André Parrot, the silence and the only attitude to be adopted by the
specialized literature on the periodic attempts, and that the media
always tends to spread with great fanfare, to view the remains of the
biblical Ark in those altitudes, under the ice and snow. Indeed,
to date no professional archaeologist part of those attempts to find
the ark, and absent any sketch of the location of the find
scientifically usable, there is no data on the search methods used and
the circumstances in which the finding was made, and very least one photographic documentation. This
is not due to the fact that archaeologists "professionals" refuse to
expend the effort required to climb Mount Ararat (or better, Agri Dagi),
but the financial aspect of the question, since systematic
archeological research on the ground so hard and rough as this would entail huge expenses. And
it happens that such major funds are usually released when in fact it
can be anticipated findings of great scientific and general. In
Ararat, these findings are unlikely, and so for now we say, since there
is a lot of five thousand one hundred sixty-five meters of altitude and
since man inhabits the earth, no flooding of the world, " scientifically explored, "rose enough to take those times an object like the biblical ark. Moreover,
during this time there was no Ararat in the region of the ground
elevation, in proportions sufficient to allow the spectacular cabinet
there aportasse perhaps at a time when the peak top was less than today.
seem to be useless attempts to find the ark Agri Dagi, and, in the
opinion of Andrew Parrot very authoritative, all expeditions to Mount
Ararat seek more mountaineers archeology.Ancient wood found on Mount Ararat:Also, there would be no wood "at least five thousand years", taken from Mount Ararat? There is, however, that wood was gathered and presented; said it was up to Ararat. However,
dating does not give, it was reported that was based on "estimates" of a
forestry institute in Madrid, "a laboratory in Paris" that would have
dated wood of four thousand four hundred eighty-four years before the
modern era, while that a "research institute prehistoric" in Bordeaux, had only commented on the "ancient age" of the material analyzed. But
even with a closer examination of these data, the respective institutes
have proved to be serious and their opinions, responsible and
unassailable, would meet to consider the fact that the evidence of the
material, taken from the site found by people inexperienced in the
subject and carried by long
distances to their destinations, they have clearly been influenced
changes in their measured values, the point of not longer be possible to
make an exact dating. One
of the expeditions left up to rediscover the primal place of the
discovery of the timber in question, but in compensation wood found at
another site the Agri Dagi, whose age was estimated at only three
hundred thousand and a thousand and seven hundred years. This
result fits very well in theory and raised by some scientists,
according to which the Agri Dagi was considered "holy mountain" because
of its traditional link with the biblical account of the flood, there
have existed for pilgrims shelters or caves inhabited by hermits, dating from Christian times.I hope these brief remarks on the ark of the covenant have been somewhat enlightening for you. May God (a) bless.By: Pastor Valni Borges - BrazilChristian Ministry of EvangelismA hug to all brothers in Christ Jesus.
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