We take this opportunity to share one more glorious word, of course! the Word of Jesus Christ, who is the only source of life, grace, anointing, authority and power.

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, with all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the Spirit and for the same purpose, watching with all perseverance and supplication for all saints .
Dear brother, the armor of God is something that can not miss in our lives, missed the whole armor of God, also lacked grace, anointing, authority, power. This armor enables us to face all the forces of evil and come out winners.
The Apostle Paul makes clear in this text that we have to fight against flesh and blood, referring to natural situations in the visible world, the everyday life. Our fight is against powers, principalities, spiritual forces, ie, against malignant well-structured organizations, governments, spiritual evil, which dwell in the heavenly places. This is our big fight!
In verso16 have: embraçando, especially the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked. My Dear, the shield of faith is what gives you authority and training to be a worker in the Lord's Harvest. If you want to be one such embraçar need the shield of faith. Who has faith has confidence and who have confidence, have confidence in something or someone. Our source of life and trust must be solely that which reveals to us the Word of God, based on what is written: And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith. (I John 5:4 b) E They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Apoc.12: 11) giving credibility to the Word of Christ above life itself and their feelings, so the victory is determined.
The Bible shows us that all the works of evil will fall, will be held, prostrate and ashamed in front of you when the shield of faith is embraçado. What shield is this? is not visible but invisible, is an interior design, is the unconditional credit to the word of Christ Jesus. As it is written: A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at thy right hand: thou shalt not be reached. No evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent. For He will command his angels concerning thee to keep thee in all thy ways. (Psalm 91:7,10-11)
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. By day the sun shall not smite thee, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. (Psalm 121:5-7). Anyway, is your confidence that the Lord will guide the path of justice.
Can not be simply decorated and repeated words, words are experienced, motivated and credibilizadas, where you bet your own life. This is the shield of faith. Here witchcraft, sorcery, the Mandingo, the satanic prayers, pests, all this falls apart when it encounters resistance as your shield of faith, he erases all the fiery darts of the wicked.
The truth is that God by the revelation of His word and our credibility to it, makes us extremely special beings, unbeatable, because Major Scripture reveals that is what is with us than what is in the world, imagine what glory Tues the Holy Spirit dwelling in conjunction with our spirit, in the same tent! This is great glory!
God gave us all the features and attributes needed to win, that's why in Revelation, He only refers exclusively to the winner: the winner, I will give you that feeds the tree of life which is in heaven God, the winner not be hurt of the second death, the winner, I will give the hidden manna, the winner, to keep until the end my works, I will give authority over the nations, the winner shall be clothed white robes, and will not blot out his name from the book of life, the winner makes him up pillar in the temple of my God, to the winner, I will give to sit with Me on My throne, as well as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. Anyway, it wins, it wins, it wins ..... God only comes with winning.
God does not admit defeat, losers, people crying in the corners with self-pity. This is an abomination to the Lord, because He has enabled us to win, and we have to build trust in His word. When we doubt, He ceases to be our friend and happens to be our opponent.
It was this word that Christ died and rose again. Stripped himself of his inherited glory and sit on the throne of Almighty God.
Behold there the shield of faith: the authority that the believer has is fantastic, is phenomenal, so Jesus will not deal with defeat, or is come ye blessed of my father, or is it depart from me into everlasting fire. There is no half victory in the kingdom of God, or you are a winner or you're a loser. Nobody will win consolation prizes of Jesus.
Therefore, the believer has the authority, because the word gives it authority. He has the anointing, grace, deliverance, power. In Luke 10:19 the Lord says: Behold I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over the power of the enemy, and nothing hurt you.
We know that snakes are not snakes, but the satanic symbol, the representation of evil, as we see in Revelation 12:9 ... that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan.
You see, God gives us power to tread on, subjugate, to undo, to counteract the forces of the devil. What a glorious thing, that's wonderful!
In Matthew 10:8, Jesus calls his disciples and said: Go, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out devils: freely ye received, freely give. If Jesus commands cure diseases is because the disease has no power over your life and can not block his way, cast out demons, well, Jesus is giving authority over evil. What a tremendous thing! What God has made man's life, and for that the devil did not count, that Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for man, and that also gave you authority to trample on the head of the darkness, once under his feet. That really shook the kingdom of Satan.
In I John 3:8 .... For this was manifested the Son of God to destroy the devil's work. You are a child of God? Here in John 1:12 says: But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become children of God. We are children of God, we have to wear the shirt and to challenge the darkness and also diseases. The cancer has power over the world, not the church of Jesus Christ.
When Jesus gave his disciples to go, I send them only to His disciples His word that has the authority need not take any object. For example, rose beads, wooden cross, shoes. The valiant raise the shield of faith only with words of Christ Jesus, are not idolaters; lead exclusively to the word. The apostles Paul, Peter, James, John, men who were beheaded and gave blood to water the Gospel, they used words only.
The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any sword is double edged, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12).
The sword of the Spirit of God is the word, and this is what God tells, only by His own word that has to be deposited in us, that God will tell us.
Jesus manifests Himself in Revelation with the sharp two-edged sword in His mouth, which is His own word.
He says in Luke 10:18 - I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. The church started in grace, anointing, authority, power.
How is your authority? Are you afraid of sorcery, witchcraft? So you do not know Jesus Christ. You need to know Him. Are you afraid of sorcery, afraid that someone put your name at the mouth of sapo? Are you afraid that throw your name in a waterfall? So you do not know the God of the Bible.
What is your fear that your fear? Believer in fear! What? Yet emerged in the universe something that makes a believer fear, because God's Word, this one is powerful and will not return void, but will do whatever he pleases. Who is framed in the word has all unction, grace, authority, power, revelation. Know where to walk and go where the Lord Jesus commands.
I stress to you, you have to have authority. The only way to obtain the authority is to have the word, is to receive the revelation of Jesus Christ that is unique in the word, receive the anointing is the time that comes with the knowledge of the word, the more you know of God, the more you is perfect for work, He pours more anointing upon you. Then God will send you when you see that he had approved a workman who does not have to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth and who is able to dethrone the concepts and machinations of false teachers who are invading the society; opened a lot of biroscas? Call church.
Where's your authority? Where's the fun? Where is the anointing? If you do not have them is because you are not having the word.
Jesus came against the Sadducees, the Pharisees revered men in the streets, the streets, the councils, the nation of Israel, considered the most holy, and said: Woe to you? hypocritical, false, woe to you because strain at a gnat and swallow a camel
Who has the word has authority. Who has the word has power over all evil. And you're still wasting your time in places that the church says? Between there and hears the word out every day the same way he entered, without receiving the message, without receiving a virtue? Because you cowers before the glory revealed in the Bible? Why do not you listen to the Spirit of God when He says in Ephesians 5:14 Awake, O sleeper, and raised you from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Why do not you ask the Lord for the power of His revealed word?
Do not sit back and not be acovarde before lying words that say that God's power is limited to a past, that God has not raised over the dead, no longer heals the sick, not cast out demons more, no longer distributes Spiritual Gifts and not built over by the talents of tongues. Do not accept being a coward! Wield the word of truth! God is the same yesterday, today and forever will be.
As it is written: Jesus Christ, struck the note that was against us. Today we are restored, built up, healed, and He tells us to destroy the works of the devil. Among this army! Accept the invitation of the Holy Spirit. Many are called but few are chosen. Do not want to be among the many, but among the few, for spacious and wide is the gate that leads to destruction, is the straight and narrow path that leads to life.
God did not have the 32mil of Gideon, but with the 300. Be among the few brave and courageous!
If you do not have the courage to confront and defy the devil does not have the courage to proclaim that the path of the righteous is as the shining light that will shine more and more unto the perfect day, then it is questionable that you are God's Church Vivo.
If the rapture sounded today, you feel the Holy Spirit testifying that you leave or you live a self-suggestion that will disappoint you in the moment of truth?
Are you willing to be faithful unto death, to receive the Crown of Life? How will your authority in the Gospel? How is your walk with Christ?
Jesus calls you to war and gives you all the tools, so he only deals with the winners. If you go into this battle, know that Jesus calls you and awaits you! -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------
I hope these brief remarks on the ark of the covenant have been somewhat enlightening for you. May God (a) bless.
By: Pastor Valni Borges - Brazil Christian Ministry of Evangelism
A hug to all brothers in Christ Jesus.
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